Bedrock Free: Peace of Mind for Snowflake Customers
Free* scanning of Snowflake data
Free classification of Snowflake data
Know what's sensitive, like PII, automatically. No rules or regex required.
Unlimited data scanning
Your data doesn’t stop growing so why should your security?*
Daily and monthly scans
Privacy secured
AI Co-Pilot
Do you know if you have data on Snowflake? Do you know what kind it is and where it lives? Are you ready if another major Snowflake breach happens?
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Bedrock Free really free?
Yes! You get access to the administrative console, reporting, and the ability to do discovery and classification of data.
How long is it free for?
You get a one year license, for free, subject to the terms of agreement.
How much data can I scan?
Subject to the terms of agreement.
Is support included and where do I go if I have questions?
Support is not included. We do our best to assist where possible with questions, but the free version does not come with any SLAs. Contact us here with questions:
What sort of data can Bedrock Free find?
In the free version, we will find all your data in Snowflake, and classify it using our AI enabled technology. Standard classification types (like PII) are included. Customer classification or AI enabled data domain/topic type classification are available in the paid version of Bedrock.
What do I need to get started?
Just a Snowflake instance. Once you sign up here, you will get a welcome email with further details. You can be up and running in minutes.
I want to scan other data stores like AWS. How do I do that?
The free version only scans Snowflake. The full version supports many other datastore types including AWS, Google Drive, and others, and provides more advanced AI-enabled categorization. Additionally, the full version maps out users, roles, services, and the data that they have access to, along with the data that they are actually using. It also identifies many other issues and enables you with our Trust Boundary policies to take action when a security or compliance violation is detected.
Read more about the full platform capabilities in our data sheet.
Learn More About Bedrock Security
At Bedrock Security, frictionless data security means freedom to embrace cloud and GenAI data growth safely, without slowing your business down.
Introduction to Bedrock Security
Enterprises face unprecedented data sprawl, fueled by cloud adoption and AI workloads
The Snowflake Breach: Reminders for Comprehensive Data Security
Five Steps to Breach-Proofing Your Data
What Our Clients Say

Generative AI poses a unique data challenge because once data goes into a model, it’s challenging to control the output. Enterprises need assurances that GenAI models are compliant and secure, and that they will not divulge sensitive information. Bedrock’s ability to automatically learn what data is most material to the business and put boundaries between sensitive data and GenAI models is a game-changer. This capability reduces friction and enables us to safely and responsibly bring GenAI to customers faster.
Suha Can, CISO at Grammarly

I believe that effective security requires looking at the full lifecycle of how customer data is handled. This means getting accurate visibility, enabling data perimeters, and proactively reducing data risk. Bedrock’s innovation excites me and aligns with how I think about protecting data and managing risk effectively.
Mukund Sarma, Sr. Director Product Security, Fastest Growing US Fintech Co.

Being able to look at a certain user and follow along on a map to see what that user can access, how they can access it, and where they can access it from in Bedrock’s platform was phenomenal, especially as somebody who was sitting here trying to do it manually.
Andrew Kuhn, Product Security Engineer, House Rx